Monday, August 13, 2007

That Original Idea

As we embark on our InvestorQuest Challenge, we ask are you like John Nash in A Beautiful Mind (looking for that original idea that will be the basis of your business, rather than just delusional). Surprisingly, good ideas for a business are often less than original and are often pretty simple. In 1978 (yes, nearly thirty years ago) I wrote a program to play blackjack, so you could blame my 'idea' for all those Internet betting sites out there today. Simon Nixon, the founder of, had a brilliantly simple idea to provide consumers with independent comparison of insurance products that he took from inception through to a £1B stock market flotation.

What differentiates those that succeed is often not the idea for the business, but their single minded focus to exploit an idea and find an addressable market for it. Turning a fledgling idea into a marketable product is the key and so is avoiding the pitfalls along the way. That's why when asked whether an investor is more interested in the idea or the management, often the answer is the latter. Good ideas are surprisingly plentiful, it's the ability to execute that maketh the business. That said, you need an idea!

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