Thursday, March 06, 2008

New Beginnings

Seven of Yorkshire's most innovative companies were recognised for their enterprise at the Innovator/08 awards. Former politician Michael Portillo hosted the evening and presented the winners with their awards. Medipex took the Innovation Champion Award sponsored by Connect Yorkshire.

As one of the few people that has successfully made the transition from politics into the media, in his preamble to the prize giving, Mr. Portillio eluded to his 1997 election defeat and subsequent humiliation on a number of occasions, noting that failure offered new beginnings and that people that had only tasted success lack a certain roundness of perspective in their DNA. He also discussed the benefits of teamwork and camaraderie that those at the top might lack exposure to. Some pivotal moments in politics were the result of an isolation leader making fundamental errors of judgement, partly due to this isolation.

This has similar implications in business where the CEO can benefit from a sounding board for ideas and a sanity check on the direction he or she is taking the ship in. Our new Springboard initiative is worth a look with regard to this.

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