Monday, January 07, 2008

Beating A Path To Your Door

Interesting post on TechCrunch on the top ten tips for startups. Not so sure about tip 9: "Don’t plan a big marketing effort. It’s much more important and powerful that your community loves the product."

The biggest mistake a startup can make is to believe if you create a better mousetrap, customers will beat a path to your door. Yes, if it’s a totally great or revolutionary idea maybe word of mouth will out, but the reality is that for us mere morals, we need to find a balance between developing an even better product and selling what we have.

Remember: out of 10 people, one will buy your product just for the hell of it (or they thought it was something it wasn’t); one will never buy it no matter how good it is; and the other eight could generally take it or leave it. How many of those eight you convert into customers, and at what cost, will dictate how successful you ultimately are.

Our FastInvest loan scheme is designed to give young technologies that push needed to get out there marketing and selling their product. Yes, make it better, but it's never too soon to start validating market demand and selling!

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