Monday, October 08, 2007

Online Research Versus Legwork

There seems to be an increasing trend to research opportunities online before expending too much physical effort evaluating the options. Who last went looking around a new neighbourhood looking for houses, rather than first having a trawl of Rightmove? Tesco have just launch a new comparision website to compete with the likes of MoneySupermarket. So there must be money in them there hills. And with MyDealMaker debuting, even venture capitalists and angel investors can get in on the act and search for entreprenurs with big ideas looking for funding that meet their search criteria.

Where will it all end? In the lead, not supprisingly, is Formula One. Car design is apparently moving from using computer simulation to validate an hypothesis to ab initio models where nothing physical is made until the computer says yes. Drug design has similarly embraced the idea that sampling chemical space is best done virtually before that expensive step of synthesising anything is taken and anyone gets their hands dirty.

Who, thirty years ago, would have believed that computers would be used for screening potential dates/mates before 'pressing the flesh'! And if you had said we would all be texting like mad, rather than videoconferencing by now you would have been laughed out of the room. As the BT futureologist at a recent YSTN event commented, maybe we should be employing more phycologists to help design new products, rather than leaving this entirely to the technologists!

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