Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Connect Supports Local Growth

Deep in the Local Growth: realising every place's potential − a white paper published on the 28th of October the government say they will foster growth by funding the establishment of "growth hubs" which will provide access to specialist strategic advice, coaching and mentoring firms with high growth potential.

This is exactly what we provide at Connect Yorkshire and hope to obtain further public funding to support our work. Our strategic advice comes under our Springboard Programme which is strategic advice from successful entrepreneurs who have sold their businesses for £10m or more or are running businesses with a turnover of £25m or more.

The coaching is carried out by our select group of 20 coaches who have all been in charge of businesses which have raised funding and/or been sold successfully.

Pitch Mentoring is carried out by our top rank professionals who have experience in fund raising. We are sponsored by 45 leading professionals who give us cash and free time to the high growth companies we help.

Connect Yorkshire will continue to support businesses that are looking to grow their business by unlocking their full potential and enhancing their ability to secure appropriate finance.

Investors, you are cordially invited to our next Investment Forum on 2nd December where you’ll see 9 great prospects pitching for equity, please join us and register via our website.